京都市京セラ美術館 日本庭園

おすすめポイント特徴と概要 / Recommend Points
The Garden of Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art
Ponds drawing water from the Lake Biwa Canal and Migratory garden which has wisteria-pergolas spread in the eastern side of the museum. Here used to be the garden of a commercial museum designed by seventh generation Jihei Ogawa (he is known as Ueharu) in 1910. At the same time of constructing the museum, this garden was reformed and new exhibits such as wisteria – pergolas were set. According to “the rule of the Kyoto Enthronement Memorial Museum of Art” at the time of its opening, some professional gardeners were in the staff members. Now this garden is familiar to citizens as the place for relaxation and refreshment.
料金 | 無料 |
ホームページ | https://kyotocity-kyocera.museum/facility |
所在地 | 〒606-8344 京都市左京区岡崎円勝寺町124(岡崎公園内) |
アクセス方法 | 市バス 岡崎公園 美術館・平安神宮前下車 地下鉄 東山駅下車徒歩約10分 |
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